Mr. Tang's Photo Exhibition and Book Signing Tour -【悠遊300天】

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<News Update>


In order to meet the needs of epidemic prevention and control, the【悠遊300天】photo exhibition and book signing tour originally scheduled to be held in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Yangzhou and other cities will be postponed. Details will be announced in the future, stay tuned!


Mr. Tang Yu Lap, the founder and honorary chairman of Hantec Group, will have the photo exhibition and book signing tour 【悠遊300天】in various places in China, including Beijing, Yangzhou, Shanghai, Hangzhou and other cities. Stay tuned!

The detailed information of specific times and venue will be updated soon, please look forward to hearing our upcoming announcement!

Group Branding and Promotion FROM Hantec Group

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BY Group Branding and Promotion FROM Hantec Group

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BY Group Branding and Promotion FROM Hantec Group

Hantec Group

Units 4609-4614, 46/F, COSCO Tower, 183 Queen's Road Central, HK


(852) 2214 4101

W. https://www.hantecgroup.com

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