亨達尼日利亞分公司3月5日於哈科特港舉辦了一場線下沙龍。為大家介紹了 Hantec Markets 的概況,共同探討金融交易的心得。
是次沙龍共吸引了 350人參加,氣氛熱烈,座無虛席!2019-2020 的Miss Hantec 亦出席於沙龍會場,與在場參加者互動並擔任抽獎環節的頒獎嘉賓。
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Mr. Tang Attended the Seminar on Cooperation between Shaanxi and Foreign-funded Enterprises in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
BY Group Branding and Promotion FROM Hantec Group
健康講座: 活力「腸」青要預防
BY Group Branding and Promotion FROM Hantec Group
BY Andrew lou FROM Hantec Markets (Australia) PTY Limited, HMA; Hantec Markets Limited, HML; Hantec Markets (V) Company Limited
Units 4609-4614, 46/F, COSCO Tower, 183 Queen's Road Central, HK
(852) 2214 4101