亨達集團欣然宣佈,於2018年11月1日在約旦的安曼設立分公司,進一步拓展中東的業務。為隆重其事,開業當日,亨達安曼公司在英國駐安曼大使館(British Embassy Amman)舉行開幕酒會,英國大使Mr. Edward Oakden CMG光臨主禮並致上祝賀詞。集團名譽主席鄧予立先生及主席林岳風先生亦親身遠赴當地見證。
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<Markets Analysis>Inflation is Difficult to Solve, Recession is in Alarm
BY Group Branding and Promotion FROM Hantec Group
BY Group Branding and Promotion FROM Hantec Group
"Tibet - The Holy Land" Photography Exhibition of YL Tang (Hong Kong Station) was Successfully Held
BY Group Branding and Promotion FROM Hantec Group
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(852) 2545 5065 / (852) 2214 4188
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